Take this 3-minute assessment to gain valuable insights into your current mental performance. This invaluable tool will help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement in your mental skills.
Instructions: These questions are based around you and your cricket performances. Choose one response (a, b, or c) for each of the 20 questions that best describes you and how you generally think. There are no correct or incorrect answers since your responses simply represent how you see things. Be honest in your responses and let your answer reflect what you really think and feel
Based on your ZoneFinder profile (‘A’ x ‘B’ = Results), here is some feedback we
can initially offer regarding how you allocate your thoughts during the BIG moments of performance in which
you’re engaged.
A Factors
B Factors
Profile Insights
In 'The Zone'
A Factors
90 - 95%
B Factors
5 - 10%